Contact us. The Lawyer Referral Service can help.

The South Carolina Bar Lawyer Referral Service assists people throughout the state of South Carolina with all types of family law matters.

Family law is a specific area of the law that deals with family and domestic relations matters including (but not limited to):
* marriages, civil unions and domestic partnerships
* divorce
* alimony
* child custody
* child support matters

Any legal matter that involves you and your family is important. Dealing with family law matters can be emotionally challenging for everyone involved. It can be a difficult process to protect your interests today while also considering your needs and your child’s needs in the future. How you decide to work through sensitive issues now can have a profound effect on your family relationships in the future. If you are dealing with any type of family law matter, it is recommended to consult a family law attorney who can provide you with experienced legal counsel.

Many cases of family law involve divorce proceedings. To get through a divorce in a way that preserves the dignity of all parties while respecting their rights, while also looking out for the best interests of the children, is an important aspect of family law. However, the term “family law” also refers to an increasing number of social and legal issues that do not involve the dissolution of a marriage, but do include the challenges of the modern American family.

When your legal issues involve the people you care about most, you need an experienced family law attorney who will listen to your concerns and explain all of your legal options.

Contact us today.

What is the Lawyer Referral Service?
The Lawyer Referral Service is a public service of the South Carolina Bar offered by telephone and online. The telephone service operates from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. To reach the telephone service call 799-7100. The online service is available 24/7.

How does it work?
The services offers a referral to a person by the area or location needed and by the type of law.

Why should you use our service?
Even if you are not sure whether your situation requires a lawyer, in many cases it is useful--and can be less expensive in the end--to obtain the advice of counsel early in your case. The lawyers signed up with our service are all in good standing with the South Carolina Bar. They must also maintain malpractice insurance coverage, which is not a requirement for lawyers licensed to practice in the state of South Carolina. The lawyers also agree to offer a 30-minute consultation for no more than $50. Thereafter, the fees will be the lawyers' normal fees.

What is expected of me?
When you contact the service by telephone or access it online, you are expected to provide the potential client's name and address. You will also be asked how you found out about the Lawyer Referral Service.

If you contact the service by telephone, you will be asked to provide a brief explanation of your possible legal situation. You will also be asked the county in which you are seeking a lawyer. If you access the program online, you will select the county and the type of law, then type a brief explanation of your legal situation.

Whether you use our service by telephone or online, you will be given the name and number of one attorney to contact who fits your situation. If the lawyer is unable to assist you, please either revisit the online referral page or call the Lawyer Referral Service at 803-799-7100 and explain the situation to the operator, and he or she will try to assist you with another referral.

Once you receive a referral, you will be expected to contact the lawyer by telephone to make an appointment.

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Other helpful contacts
If you are indigent and unable to pay for a lawyer's service, you may want to contact LATIS at 1-888-346-5592 to see if you qualify for free or reduced-fee legal services. LATIS will screen you to see if you qualify. If you do not, they may refer you back to the Lawyer Referral Service. To find out more about LATIS, you can visit